Stressed? Reduce Stress with This Yoga Styles.

Managing Stress with Yoga

Stress can wreak havoc on our overall well-being, leading to sleep disturbances, digestive issues, lack of focus, low energy, and anxiety. While it’s clear that reducing stress is crucial, it’s often easier said than done. Have you considered trying yoga at home?

Yoga offers a simple yet effective way to alleviate stress and release tension. Even a basic yoga practice can counter the negative effects of stress on our health. By tuning into our breath and slowing down, we activate our body’s natural relaxation response. This break from our daily routine also provides a valuable opportunity to shift our mental perspective. Simply changing our response to stress can have a significant impact on our well-being.

The yoga sequence outlined below targets muscle tension in the neck, shoulders, and back—areas commonly affected by stress. It includes a breath-centered meditation and options to adapt the poses for practice even from an office chair.

I understand from personal experience that during high-stress periods, we often convince ourselves that we lack the time for a yoga practice. However, research has shown that meditation can enhance efficiency and productivity. So, no matter how busy you are, dedicating a few minutes to focus on your breath and reduce stress is worth it.

You might be surprised by the feeling that time is actually on your side following this practice. Here’s the full sequence, broken down by poses:

  1. Trap Release & Neck Stretch

Begin by sitting comfortably on a yoga mat or chair. If on the floor, sit on a blanket or block, cross your right shin over the left, and position your feet under your knees.

If in an office chair, ensure your feet are firmly planted on the ground and sit with a tall spine.

Extend your left arm to the side and gently lower your right ear toward your shoulder, feeling a stretch in the left side of your neck and upper shoulder. To intensify the stretch, you can drape your right arm over your head.

Take 5 deep breaths and repeat on the other side.

  1. Gomukasana Arms – Shoulder Stretch

If seated on the floor, cross your left shin in front of your right or remain seated in your chair.

Part 1: Reach your right arm overhead, bending your elbow so your hand touches the back of your neck.

Hold your right elbow with your left hand. If your back arches, engage your core by drawing your front ribs towards your spine.

Take 3-5 breaths and switch sides.

Part 2: Take your right arm behind your back. Your forearm may stay at your lower back or walk your hand up between your shoulder blades. Use your left hand to hold onto your right forearm or elbow.

Hold for 3-5 breaths, then release and repeat on the other side. Move slowly and avoid pain.

  1. Twist

From a seated position on the floor, place your left hand on your right knee and your right hand on the floor behind you. Inhale, lengthen your spine, and exhale as you twist to the right.

If twisting from your chair, sit tall, place your feet firmly on the ground, and hold the back and side of the chair as you twist.

Hold for 3-5 breaths on each side. Gentle twists rejuvenate the spine and promote better digestion.

  1. Garudasana – Eagle Balancing Pose

Stand with feet hip-width apart. Cross your right arm under your left, bend your elbows, and bring your forearms together. If possible, touch your palms together. Cross your right leg over your left.

Focus on a point and find balance.

Hold for 3-5 breaths, then switch sides. Steadiness in this pose enhances clarity and focus.

  1. Forward Fold

From a standing position, bend your knees significantly as you fold forward.

Bend your knees to rest your belly on your thighs. Hands can rest on the floor or grab opposite elbows. Relax your neck and let your spine cascade like a waterfall.

Take 3-5 breaths. Even in an office chair, you can still experience this fold by scooting to the edge of the chair.

Forward folds calm the nervous system and provide an opportunity for introspection.

  1. Side Bend

Lie on your back and shift your legs and upper body to the right side, creating a banana shape. If comfortable, cross your left ankle over your right and clasp your hands.

Stay for 5-10 breaths, then switch sides. Side bends release tension and create space between the ribs, promoting deep breaths.

  1. Meditation

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Observe the movement of your breath for a few rounds. Inhale and exhale with the same count for 2 rounds, then extend the exhale by 1-2 counts.

Stay relaxed and avoid straining. Reflect on the effect of meditation on your state of mind.

As you conclude the practice, consider how to take your yoga experience beyond the mat or chair. Envision small changes to reduce stress in your daily life.


Given the stress we face, it’s crucial to find our center. Whether at home or in the office, yoga is a valuable tool to navigate the demands of daily life, enhance flexibility, and improve mood.

For an alternative way to relieve stress through yoga, consider aerial yoga. By installing an aerial yoga swing at home or in the office, you can explore new styles of yoga and access relaxation benefits.

Next time life’s challenges weigh you down, try this yoga sequence to reduce stress and find relief.

About healthy 26 Articles
I’ve been passionate about writing since I was a teenager. My partner David and I help those seeking to buy and sell lifestyle properties – high-concept estate homes for those who live boldly and follow their dreams. I have a master’s degree in counseling psychology and have published over 100 digital articles, videos, and podcasts on health and motivation. I was born and raised in the US in California.

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